AVENIR II in Niger – November 2024
November saw the successful completion of a number of activities, including the continued mass distribution of azithromycin in the Dosso and Tahoua regions.

Outstanding coverage
This campaign has enabled coverage areas for the intervention to be extended, particularly in the surveillance integrated health centres (CSIs), of which there are 29 in the Dosso region and 36 in the Tahoua region.
Remarkable coverage rates of 85% and 100% were achieved in Dosso and Tahoua respectively, and the evaluation of this coverage was successfully completed in the Tahoua region.
Mortality surveillance
In the Maradi region, this month was marked by preparations to raise awareness of the ‘validation of vital status’ operation. This activity, carried out in programme coverage zones (Dosso, Tahoua and Maradi), aims to verify mortality monitoring data through group surveys and assessments of pregnancy histories in high-child-mortality areas.

The survey is carried out at three key points in the programme’s distribution schedule. To this end, the team met with district authorities and carried out preliminary visits. This activity will focus on one CSI and 10 villages in each of the two CSIs in Saye (Dakoro district) and Koona (Tessaoua district).
AMR surveillance
Meanwhile, population-based surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), through the collection of biological samples, is continuing, with the district of Guidan Roumji having already been completed. As for clinic-based AMR sampling, collection has resumed in the Dakoro district and is being actively pursued.

Capacity building
Construction of storage warehouses in the eight districts of Maradi and ten districts of Zinder.

The AVENIR II team extends its grateful thanks to its implementing partners: