Under the patronage of the Minister of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs, Niger launched the second phase of the AVENIR project on Tuesday, 19 March 2024.
The official ceremony was attended by international organisations, members of the national REACH network, local and international NGOs, and by national associations, representatives of all Niger’s regional health departments, students and university researchers as well as by representatives of both main implementing organisations, CRISP (the Centre for Public Health Research and Implementation) and PNSO (National Eye Health Programme).

The launch was an opportunity for the Minister to recall the results achieved by Niger in the mass distribution of azithromycin during the MORDOR trial.
The first phase of the AVENIR project revealed that mass administration of azithromycin could reduce under-five mortality by some 14%.
The Minister took the opportunity to thank all those involved in the project, starting with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the principal donor, the International Proctor Foundation of San Francisco, regional and national collaborators, recipient communities, health workers and community and religious leaders.
He extended a special word of thanks to the PNSO and CRISP teams, who were able to carry out the project’s activities effectively, despite the numerous challenges, and achieve impressive results.
The ceremony concluded with an AVENIR family photo!