September was a busy month for AVENIR, with activities ranging from training courses to meetings with health and district authorities.
Preparations for AVENIR II in Zinder
With the second phase of the project progressing successfully in the Maradi, Dosso and Tahoua regions, activities will begin in the Zinder region during the last quarter of 2024. To that end, a team of agents from the national co-ordinating office travelled to the region to meet the authorities of the Regional Department of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs (DRSP/A/AS) in order to prepare the upcoming activities.
In parallel, mapping for the collection of pregnancy history data was carried out in collaboration with the Health Information Programming Service (SPIS) and the Epidemiological Monitoring Agency (CSE).

Mapping and collaboration
To ensure effective collaboration, the mission to Zinder gathered all the documents needed for mapping the intervention. These documents will be used to identify the clusters associated with the various Integrated Health Centres (CSIs) involved in the Pregnancy History census. The team also took the opportunity to share the terms of reference for the recruitment of a new group of researchers in the region and to set a date for starting activities.
Tahoua region
Following successful completion of the first round of mass distribution (MDA) of azithromycin in the Tahoua region, preparations for the second round – a targeted intervention for CSIs that had taken part in the previous activity on pregnancy history – began with a mission to the region’s Regional Health Department (DRSP/A/AS), and then to the relevant district management teams.
The aim was to address the shortcomings of the previous round of distribution to ensure that all the necessary measures are put in place for a successful next round of MDA.

Training – Dosso region
Two training sessions were organised in Birni N’Gaoure for two separate activities: mass distribution of azithromycin (MDA) and sample collection as per the intervention’s AMR monitoring protocol (RAM POP).
The first session focused on MDA data entry and using the CommCare application. After district teams had completed the forms at the CSIs, the data were transferred to AVENIR’s regional office in Birni.
Led by a data manager from the national coordination team, this training enabled agents to check the accuracy of their records, to identify any errors and to make the necessary corrections before uploading the data to CommCare.

The second training session, dedicated to antimicrobial resistance and the RAM POP element of the programme, covered sample collection procedures, specifically for rectal and nasopharyngeal sampling. The session included a presentation of general procedures, practical demonstrations of specimen collection in children, and advice on how to carry out the tests.
Infrastructure and partnerships – Maradi region
Logistics is one of the most important elements of AVENIR’s activities. As such, a mission has been deployed to the region to establish a link with the Regional Department of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs (DRSP/P/AS) with a view to building storage warehouses in the region’s eight districts.
These discussions focused on the procedures to be followed and on a partnership between the DRSP/P/AS and the General Directorate of Rural Engineering (DGGR) to ensure adequate supervision of construction projects in the districts.
As always, the AVENIR II team would like to thank its implementation partners: