AVENIR II treats more than 2.5 million children in second round of MDA in Niger

AVENIR II Azithromycin MDA, second cycle, February 2025

The AVENIR project continues its mission to improve child health in Niger through the mass distribution of azithromycin.

After a highly successful first phase, the second phase kicked off with the first round of distribution in Dosso, Tahoua, and Maradi.

The MDA campaign in the Tahoua, Dosso and Maradi regions took place over five days, from 10 – 15 February.

The Zinder region was also included in the campaign for the first time.

Planning, preparation, implementation

Distribution teams received training and all necessary materials before heading to their assigned areas. Multiple supervision teams were deployed across the districts to oversee the distribution and address any challenges on the ground.

In Dosso, all eight health districts were covered, beginning with Dioundou on 10 February.

Supervision teams included the regional health team, the district management team, and the Head of the Integrated Health Center. Within five days, the distribution was successfully completed.

Subsequently, a review was conducted to take stock of the materials used, and on 16 February, the teams conducted assessments to ascertain the extent to which the campaign had reached its target.

Similarly, in Tahoua and Maradi, the campaign was launched in all districts on 10 February.

A meticulous approach

Supervisors checked everything from campaign visibility—making sure posters had been put up and markings were visible on treated households—to ensuring accurate record-keeping and proper distribution of the medication. They also monitored any side effects among children.

Once the campaign wrapped up, results were presented on 16 February in Bouza, in the presence of key stakeholders, including the Secretary General of the Prefecture, AVENIR project representatives, district supervisors, and local health officials.


A milestone in Zinder

One of the big milestones of this phase was the inclusion of the Zinder area in the mass drug administration (MDA) for the first time.

On 11 February 2025, the AVENIR project officially launched the campaign at the Koleram Integrated Health Center in Mirriah District, with the Governor of Zinder presiding over the event.

The launch attracted government officials, health professionals, and local leaders—all united by the goal of reducing child mortality through the distribution of azithromycin to children aged 1 to 59 months. The event featured speeches, the performance of a sketch to raise awareness, and the symbolic administration of the first doses. A visit to local health centers followed, where the project made a donation of 500,000 FCFA to help with the purchase of medical supplies.

Exceeding expectations

In Matameye district, the campaign was so successful that coverage rates even surpassed 100%—meaning that more children than expected were reached. No parents refused the treatment, and although some minor side effects were reported, overall rates of acceptance were very high. Distribution teams worked closely with health centers to ensure a smooth rollout.

Some challenges were encountered, however, including a lack of resources, gaps in planning, and the limited involvement of traditional leaders. For future rounds, coordinating teams will be working to further strengthen planning efforts, ensure timely disbursement of funds, increase the number of distribution agents available, and to further boost community outreach through local radio and town criers.

In Tanout district, the campaign also exceeded expectations, reaching more children than planned. This was largely thanks to strong community engagement, an efficient distribution process, and local contributions.

There were, inevitably, some hurdles to clear here too, including a shortage of treatment cards and of communication teams. Future efforts will focus on fixing these gaps by increasing field team numbers and making sure essential materials are available.

Important strides for public health gains

Across all intervention regions, a total of 2,518,559 children received treatment—exceeding the initial target of 2,423,914, with an overall coverage rate of 104%.

Mop-up activities are still ongoing in some health centers, but these results show just how effective the campaign has been. Lessons learned from this phase will help refine future distributions, making them even more efficient and far-reaching.

With each round of distribution, the AVENIR project gets closer and closer to its goal: improving child survival rates and making a lasting public health impact in Niger.

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