A growing intervention
The second phase of the AVENIR project is getting underway in the Dosso region of Niger during the fourth quarter of 2024. In preparation for this intervention, a national coordination team has been assigned to the region to prepare the ground for future activities and to ensure that all stakeholders are fully informed about the project and its goals.
Phase II of AVENIR in Zinder
A similar mission was carried out in the Zinder region, establishing initial contact with the district and regional authorities and with the Sultan of Zinder. This mission also included the signing of contracts with local radio stations to ensure that information about the project’s activities could be aired on local stations.

As well as this, the team developed a comprehensive mapping activity, which involved obtaining all the relevant data on villages, their distances from health facilities (CSIs) and population density. This mapping exercise is intended to facilitate the planning of future activities and to accurately define the various intervention zones.
Mass distribution of azithromycin – Maradi region
On 6 July 2024, the official launch ceremony for the mass distribution of azithromycin in Maradi was held at the Takalmawa health facility. The event brought together all regional stakeholders, including administrative, traditional and health authorities.
A mop-up campaign was carried out on 17 July. Subsequently, on 24 July, an evaluation meeting was held to review the results of the first phase of mass distribution of azithromycin and screening for malnutrition in Maradi.
Immediately after the ceremony, door-to-door distributions began, over the course of five days, from 6 to 11 July 2024.
The aim of this meeting was to provide an objective analysis of the intervention in order to improve future campaigns.

Pregnancy history
As activities progressed in the Maradi and Tahoua regions, intervention teams were strengthened by the addition of five agents in Tahoua and seven in Maradi. Further refinements and a reassessment of team dynamics have been implemented to ensure a balanced distribution of intervention teams, leading to more accurate estimates of the end dates for the operation.
After a short break in Dosso, activities resumed on 7 July 2024. The fourth series of training sessions was followed by the fifth and sixth series, organised between 20 and 26 July. Preparations are underway for the verification of vital status data.

Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Our team in Maradi continues to make significant progress with AMR activities at health facilities, with training sessions and sample collection completed in several districts of the region. In the coming months, our team will extend its efforts to the districts of Dakoro, Bermo and Mayahi, holding training sessions in these three districts, and collecting samples in four others. Preparations are also underway to launch the POP AMR operation.
The AVENIR II team extends its thanks, as always, to its implementation partners: